BDW - International Conference

The BDW2015 International Conference was a new milestone for Beirut Design Week as it was the first two-day conference bringing together more than eighteen renowned speakers from educational institutions and global businesses. The theme of the conference was the value of design in technology, business and social impact. The first day, the speakers elaborated on their expertise in specifically design and technology, as well as innovation for business; whereas on the second day the focus will be more on technology and social impact.

Keynote speakers include IBM’s Director Doug Powell, informed the public about the practice of design-driven social change at a 100 year-old global organization, which also happened to be one of the largest technology companies in the world.

How does change happen and how is the role of the designer changing in technology, business, and society? Rik Runge UX/UI design lead at Philips, introduced us to the challenges that the world of healthcare is confronting, and gave us insight into how Philips’ global design team was trying to make sense of these challenges to develop the most meaningful methods to re-imagine the experiences that can save lives.

Johannes Torpe, Creative Director of Bang & Olufsen, presented to the audience the design process that goes into the world famous, perfectly crafted B&O multimedia products, describing the beauty in the merging of technology and design that results in magical experiences.

Andrea Tosi, Dean of International Partnership and Innovation at Instituto Europeo di Design, expanded on design for business innovation and entrepreneurship. In an era where production and distribution are more accessible, there was a need for design as a key element to start experimental companies.

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