FabLab City

Factory Address: H-Déco Bldg, Mkalles Industrial City, 404 St, Beirut, Lebanon
+961 1 695 517
Facebook/Instagram: Fab Lab City

wxhxd Address: Hammoush Bldg, St 404, Bifurcation St 702A, Mekalles, Lebanon
+961 1 693 696 / +961 71 339 524

Mkalles is undergoing a regeneration of its industrial city: furniture companies based on design copy model are closing, and replaced by more collaborative, creative, digital fabrication oriented, new companies. W H D and the Factory two collaborating fablabs in Mkalles, spanning carpentry, metalwork, upholstery, ceramic, 3D printing; forming together a platform for R&D and DFM. Driven by T. Khalife and G.Credoz (Ghouyoum) they prefigure the Digital Fabrication turn of creative industry.