Design Road is a research project started by the Creative Dialogue Association (CDA) in 2010. It was a journey
undertaken by International designers and creative professionals from various
disciplines to exchange experiences with other creative people and innovators
from different countries. The aim was to enhance the design culture in these
countries by providing a dialogue between local and international designers and
developing and encouraging them to acknowledge the role and position of design
in their local culture by understanding its direct role in developing a
creative economy that was an integral feature of modern society.
Samer Yamani is a multidisciplinary Designer and Design promoter lives and
works in Barcelona , Samer is lecturer and visiting tutor in several European
Design Schools such as Elisava Design School, European Design Institute,
Barcelona University and Kingston University London. He is also the president
of the Creative Dialogue Association (CDA), a private, independent and
non-profit association, based in Barcelona, Spain.