5:00 - 6:30 PM


Ramsey Naja: A former pirate radio DJ, theatre director, and TV news anchorman, Ramsey Naja escaped his native Lebanon’s civil war to move to the UK in 1985. He collected an MA in Drama from Hull University and later joined J. Walter Thompson in 1994, before returning to Beirut in 2001. He was appointed Chief Creative Officer for Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in 2004. Under Naja’s stewardship, J. Walter Thompson MENA became one of the region’s most awarded networks, with first-time and regular international recognition in Dubai Lynx, D&AD, One Show, IPG, London International Awards, New York Festivals and Cannes amongst others. It was voted network of the year twice and most effective network in 2014.  In 2015 the Cairo team won the agency its first Titanium Lion; and in 2016 the MENA Network won Network of the Year at Dubai Lynx with a record breaking 5 Grand Prix awards to its credit.  He was appointed Chief Creative Officer for Middle East and Africa in 2012. Ramsey is a member of J. Walter Thompson’s Worldwide Creative Council and a columnist in Campaign ME magazine. He is usually based in Beirut, is obsessive about comic books and skiing, but mostly about his wife Marianne and their children Emily, Sophie and Mark.

Nour Tabet is a postgeographic designer part of the vast Lebanese diaspora and her work often reflects membership in this global community. She earned her MFA in Graphic Design at the Maryland Institute College of Artand her BFA from the American University of Beirut. Nour is currently making digital things (products, conversations) as a Sr. Art Director at HUGE in Washington DC. Her work has been recognized by the Webby’s, Adobe and published in books by the Princeton Architectural Press.: 

Sarah Bahbah: The Palestinian, Australian-raised artist crystallises the universal but rarely captured experience of oversaturated, intense feelings and imperfect relationships. Her protagonists give voice to the vast spectrum of emotion, spanning the desire for inner peace, true love, fear of commitment, playful ambivalence towards life and the paradox of wanting intimacy but craving isolation. Known for her explicit exploration into the intimate psyche of millennial women, Bahbah empowers her audience to embrace indulgence and self-love in all its forms. Smashing the stereotype of female emotion being a hindrance, her storytelling harnesses the power of breaking taboo and celebrates the liberation of transparency and desire. And through her LA-based content creation agency Possy, the likes of Gucci, Condé Nast, Capitol Records, Sony Music, and even GQ have joined her movement. Bahbah uses her voice and art to educate her cult-like following on the importance of breaking taboos around Child Sexual Abuse through cinematic storytelling. 

Thomas Ollivier alias Tom le French is a creative and art director based in London. He has released a series of visual art projects since 2014. His thinking is designed to be contagious by creating instantly seductive images, infiltrating the social feeds with thought provoking concepts.


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  7. at StartSession->terminate(object(Request), object(Response)) in Kernel.php line 138
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